Hosted over 25 community meetings in Bio Bio sea-side town.
Held over 20 focus groups with parents, teachers and local government officials.
Participated in more than 30 planning meetings regarding reconstruction and program planning with regional and government officials.
Provided case management services to over 30 families, helping them obtain needed health, education, special education and social services.
Provided counseling, psychological and social supports to more than 123 women related to domestic discord or violence.
Organized and implemented community educational offerings on subjects including nutrition, cultural heritage, shell fishing, English language, Microsoft Office competency, small and medium business planning and visual arts as a means of wellness and recovery.
Conducted workshops for parents and teachers on behavioral management of children (with over 35 parents and 11 teachers attending).
Dr. Judith Palfrey with some students of the Oceanography Club of the Harvard University and with the union Mar de Esperanza lead by Yazna San Martín, worked in the creation of an educational video addressed to fishermen about the care for the environment and life cycles in Tumbes. Also, talks on nutrition, obesity in children and marine life cycles were held for parents and educators of the schools of Tumbes and Dichato. Around 120 people attended who expressed their gratitude and evaluated it as a very positive and interesting learning experience.
Due to the identification of a high rate of VIF during 2014, 4 talks on violence against women were coordinated and given to parents, school assistants, and teachers in order to provide psychological education to the community and promote the Violence Against Women Program. Approximately 80 women attended and 9 referrals were made to the program. In 2015, a psychoeducational session was held on domestic violence at Dichato School and approximately 18 women, parents, and 2 teachers participated. 1 case was derived from the municipal program of violence against women. 3 sessions are pending.
In Dichato, Fundación Consejo de Curso imparted a workshop on socioemotional and learning skills to 50 school teachers.

Recupera Chile has supported the friends and neighbors in Cocholgue, making arrangements for applications to funds for cultural activities. One of these activities entailed the painting of a mural by local children. Currently, they are collecting in-depth interviews with locals.
Click here to read an article about the project, featured in the magazine "Brisas del sur."