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Universidad de Concepción 's Kinesiology Program has been a strong partner for Recupera Chile in health interventions throughout the school year and in the summer schools.
Once a week, during the second semester, about 60 kinesiology students in 4th and 5th year from Universidad de Concepción worked with pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students at the school. A preliminary assessment was performed, as well as an individual follow-up and a subsequent evaluation. The objective is to continue this operation in partnership with other health professionals and perform a comprehensive evaluation. Very well evaluated by educators and parents.
From May 30th, 30 kinesiology students and 2 kinesiologists work with 2 kindergarten and 2 pre-kindergarten students in workshops for approximately 60 children. Also, a workshop was held where 12 parents and 4 teachers attended. A TADI test training was performed to 10 kinesiologists and they made an alliance with education students to incorporate them in part of the intervention. These workshops were evaluated at the beginning and the investigation was pending because 3 sessions didn´t take place and the post-evaluation either, due to the strike of teachers. Activities with children and parents finished in January 2015 and there is a commitment to resume the project later on.
The intervention project adjusts its methodology and evaluation and presents a proposal for funding to the university. It provides for the intervention of 2 kindergarten students, 60 children, 15 parents, and 4 teachers; and, 4 kinesiologists, 12 fifth-year kinesiology students, and 2 education students would be working.
Dr. Alcántara’s dental team performed a dental operative to the school´s 1st cycle where he evaluated around 200 children. Of these cases, there were 60 children with severe tooth decay. The objective is to carry out dental care at a mobile health clinic in the school beginning in September 2015 with the same doctor and his team. The project is supported by the Cesfam Director, Mr. Sergio Canales. 12 cases were already treated at Tomé Hospital.
During the "Dichato´s Summer School 2017" and thanks to the collaboration of the Oral Rehabilitation and Implantology Center (CRAI), Universidad de Concepción, 74 children from the Dichato School received dental interventions. Soon, a collaboration agreement between the Dichato Scholl and CRAI will be reached in which the children will be able to go to the center and be checked, every Saturday during the year. The transportation to Concepción will be on a bus provided by the school.
Recupera Chile has joined with the communities in initiatives to promote healthy eating habits as an approach to counter the obesity epidemic in the region. This has included trainings on obesity and healthy eating for teachers, parents and community officials and the establishment of school-based and family greenhouses.
The ophthalmological operative was conducted, led by medical technologist Mónica Troncoso and Marta Marín with the support of the Dean, ophthalmologist Dr. Raúl González. This operative included visual screenings to the 471 children of Dichato School. It was performed by TM students, and they detected 67 visually impaired children. Then, and thanks to DISAM’s (Directorate Municipal Health) support from professionals working overtime and a refractory machine, children were transferred to Cesfam (Center for Family Health) in Tomé for their visual exam. Glasses were delivered to 31 children and parents were trained on their use. JUANEB conducted a follow-up of each case individually.
Eight-year-old twins Claudia and Colomba Sáez received their first optical lenses along with instructions for care and use. Thanks to this, they are ready to start the year.
A checkup is held for the 470 children at the school with health equipment from UdeC and phono audiology students. A report was done which includes: an exam by otoscopy and an otoacoustic emissions (OAE) test. 22 children with problems that require auditory canal cleaning and two eardrum ruptures were detected. Reports were delivered to the hospital coordinator and to JUNAEB
During 2014, a cleanup operation was held in the hospital and the two cases with ruptures were transferred to the Tomé Hospital.
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