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Benefited coves: Laraquete, Punta Lavapiés, Tumbes, Llico, Penco, Coliumo
Benefited Union: Laraquete Cove, Punta Lavapiés, Tumbes, Llico, Penco, Coliumo, Llico, Coliumo, Pencopolitano School and Llico School
Number of beneficiaries: 66.700 people y 1.778 children
The Marine Educational Farm project, promotes the interaction between different social partners to provide information, resources, trainings, services and learning experiences that respond to needs and interests of teachers, students and specialists in marine education. Also, it will open new spaces for communication and cooperation between cove organizations which are involved in the projects.
To develop a positive relationship between children and adults and the sea so they see it as a resource base that can be cultivated and taken care of, especially in those communities most affected by the 2010 tsunami.
To educate children, teachers, parents from localities where the Sea Farmers project is being developed, about the importance that the marine environment has, hydro biological resources, the recovery and protection of them and marine aquaculture benefits, through classes and field trips to observe experimental cropping units, along with the use of different communication tools, that will support teachers work in different educational facilities located in localities where the projects are being held.
To involve actively the participants of the Sea Farmers project in both, the learning and the teaching process and to facilitate and promote the permanence and sustainability of the Sea Farmer projects, through the exhibition of materials generated during the trainings, seminars, business plan development workshops, follow up visits and feedback of the different Sea Farmers projects in involved coves.
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