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Among with the communities and schools of the Biobio region, Recupera Chile has begun developing programs of nautical and marine education. In Dichato, for instance, a new space on the beach has been acquired and a nautical education center is under construction. A nautical teacher now offers nautical trainings for children during the school year and during the summer. Also, the Dichato School has held field trips for children to learn about local marine ecology and to learn about the activities of the Naval Academy.
Due to children in the Biobio region live near the sea and the culture of their families and livelihood are intertwined with the sea, RC has partnered with the principal of the Dichato School, the Department of Marine Biology of Universidad de Concepción, and the Fundación Mar de Chile to provide programming that helps children learn and care about their surroundings.
Activities have focused on:
Water safety
Tsunami response
Surf boarding
The Chilean Navy has joined with us to teach children how to respect the sea and understand weather patterns, as well as about careers that involve working with the sea.
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