After the success of our initial project in the tourism sector (NanoSurf), Recupera Chile invested in a microbrewery that would use local ingredients and flavors and provide tourists with a gastronomic treat upon their arrival to Cobquecura. It always seems to be the case that tourists traveling from places like nearby Concepción and Chillán are looking to try the “best of Cobquecura” in terms of food and drink, so Matías’ business fit perfectly into our economic plan to grow Cobquecura’s tourism economy.
The first few years were a bit slow moving with health and commercial permitting, but now the brewery is in full swing. Recupera Chile helped Matías, the owner, construct the building, source supplies, create a logo, plan logistics from bottles and labels to transportation and supply chain, receive the necessary training, navigate the process of health and commerce codes and install all necessary equipment to get his first batch produced.
From local celebrations and food fairs to sales at regional restaurants, Piceros Brewery is producing and selling lagers, pale ales and ambers in every local venue possible and contributing to artisanal feel of the town as a quaint, tourist getaway. Cheers!